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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What is Web 2.0?

Let's begin our discussion of the importance of digital storytelling with a clear understanding of Web 2.0. To understand this concept, take a few minutes to read the article What is Web 2.0 Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software.

How is this significant to you in your profession?


steve said...

I think all teachers have used the web to get lesson plans and there is a ton out there. Administrators are always asking "How are you incorporating technology?" and it is almost expected that we integrate computers/the web into our curriculum. For the most part this is a good thing but I find that a lot of web based lessons such as webquests take quite a bit of time which I don't always have because I'm trying to get through the curriculum. However the kids do seem to like it when they get the opportunity.

Steve S. said...

After reading the article, I see a strong correlation between the 'evolution' we teach in science classes, and the evolution of the web. It is a great example of Darwin's 'Survival of the Fittest' theory, and many parallels can be made. The Stock Market crash, which led to some applications failing and others emerging, can be compared to to the meteors that are thought to have led to the extinction of the dinasaurs. Some of these companies were dinosaurs, that were huge, powerful, and deeply entrenched at the top of the web, (just like the dinosaurs), even though they were inefficient. After the crash, new, efficient, and innovative applications were born, that brought the web to another level. They are now the foundation of a stronger network.