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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ideas worth considering

Idea worth considering: GPS systems and Information Science connections. Information Science the old way involves search for information and retrieval. Information Science the new way involves search for informaton within a co-ordinate system similar to the way a GPS system works. You need to know your location within the system. GPS uses three satellite co-ordinates. Information Science needs awareness of co-ordinates, leading to idea below for teaching Information Science:

Idea worth considering: Information Science Curriculum needs to take into account the history of Information Techology. This could be taught on the elementary level as an "information family." The modern computer dates to IBM research during World War II-- Computer is age of grandfather. The Internet dates to military research of the 1970's-- Internet is the age of parents. The web dates to invention by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990-- Web is age of older brother/sister in college. Mosaic browser invention in 1993 made web accessible-- Browser is age of older brother/sister in high school. Ward Cunningham invented wikis in 1995--- Age of middle school student. Blogs became popular in 1999-- still in elementary school.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Just tried Adobe's Photoshop Express What a tremendous tool! Another discovery is Voice Thread.
VoiceThread is a tremendous new resource for Web 2.0 instructors. It is an online, interactive album that can hold various types of media (images, documents and videos) and allows people to make comments in 5 different ways - voice (microphone or telephone), text, audio file, or video (webcam). A VoiceThread allows group conversations,digital stories, oral histories, commentary, etc. to be collected and instantly shared in one place, from anywhere in the world. There is also an educator's version which charges a nominal fee for additional content protection and control. Here is an example:

Monday, April 14, 2008

Kodac Educational Page and Firefox

The Kodac Educational Page has plenty of information and resources. there is a Fun for Kids section with flipbooks, memory boxes, masks, photo puppets, placemats, sports trading cards, and other ideas. Thanks to the Digital Smarts Blog for the post.

Another great resource is The Baccalaureate School for Global Education (BSGE) in Astoria, NY. This school has a two-year technology curriculum that has students doing global, multimedia projects. One of their projects involvel ilearn. Thanks to Teachers Teaching Teachers blog.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Teachers teaching teachers

Just came across another great source: Teachers Teaching Teachers. This site is full of creative ideas and interesting discussions, such as "Has Digital Storytelling Changed Writing?" Thanks again to Clay Burrell (Beyond School) for alerting me to this source.

Another great idea comes from Dean Shareski (Ideas and Thoughts from and Ed Tech): He talks about the pecha kucha of presentation. 20 slides in 6 minutes.The pure model is the 20×20 format. 20 slides for 20 seconds for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. I have to check this out and try it.

Finally you must watch this: