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Monday, June 22, 2009

#IranElection Crisis: A Social Media Timeline by Ben Parr

Ben Parr in "Mashable: The Social Media Guide" provides the most comprehensive history of the interaction of social media on the Iran election crisis: #IranElection Crisis: A Social Media Timeline. If it had not been for Twitter, YouTube and Flicker, we would have never known of the events in Iran. Certainly the mainstream media did not cover it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Web 2.0 and the Iran Election

From Ben Parr's blog "Mashable: The Social Media Guide" we have these amazing statistics on the #Iranelection:
Twitter: 221,744 “Iran” Tweets in One Hour
The Blogosphere: 2,250,000 Blog Posts in 24 hours
YouTube: 184,500 Videos on Iran, 3000 in One Day
The photo below is from one of these blogs: "tehran 24: Daily Photos from Iran."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iranian Revolution on Twitter

If you aren't following the Iranian revolution on Twitter, your missing out on one of the most important events of your lifetime. Here's a piece by Clay Shirkey on TED:

Monday, June 1, 2009

Library of Congress on Flicker

The Library of Congress has recently published some of its most popular Depression era photos on Flickr: