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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Internet Safety

Internet safety as well as the history of the internet and world wide web is important to teach our students. As we discussed in class "how do we expect our students to know about these things if we do not know them". Rockland County has a computer task force that you can contact to come to your school to talk about internet safety. This is a nice introduction into internet safety. There are many web sites that make students aware of internet safety.
This is a great site for elementary students. They also have a section for teenagers.


Mike Frerichs said...

Here is the address of a wiki on Internet safety.

Jamie said...

Internet Safety
I agree that Internet safety is vital not only in school but at home as well. Schools are blocking sights, some that are not even necessary. On the other hand, some inapprpriate sights are still being accessed. PTA meetings should focus on Internet safety as well. Many parents have missed the "computer age" and don't know how to use it or block anything. Many students are on myspace and various other sites when they are way too young to be exposed to them. If parents learned how many negative and inappropriate sites their children have access to, they would be able to prevent their children from signing on.

Kerriann said...

Thank you for the information! I just looked at the website and loved the rap songs that they played to relay the messages to children warning them of internet danger.

Susan K said...

I also agree that Internet/Computer safety is very important. I teach first grade and at the beginning of the year most of the children are not reading yet. When they go onto the computer they click on anything and everything. I have seen more children click on things and then the computer gets various "pop-ups". As a primary school teacher, we need to limit what our children do on the computer and show them different things so they are able to go and explore safe sites. We need to make it kid friendly for them. The parents sign a form in the beginning of the year to give their children permission to use the Internet. We still need to do our job in only allowing the children to explore the sites and programs that we feel are appropriate for them.

Cynthia said...

I agree that we cannot teach internet safety without knowing about it ourselves. In reference to your comment about having the Rockland County task force come in to your school to talk about internet safety, do they come in to speak to the teachers, the students, or both?? I think that it would be beneficial to possibly have the task force come in to speak at a staff meeting or to get teacher training from them. That we could then pass on the our students. I may bring this topic up to my principal and get his thoughts on it.

kimputer said...

In Reply to Cynthia:
The Rockland County Computer Task Force will come to talk with just the staff or just the students.
They do both. They will even come to talk to the PTA. Here is my contacts e-mail address.